The History of Gun Manufacturing

The History of Gun Manufacturing
Gun History

Friday, May 3, 2013

Bullet Information

Bullets have come a long way over the ages with the first bullet being a rounded lead ball to what we know today as the copper jacketed lead bullet. Sometime after 1249, people were realizing that gunpowder could be used to fire projectiles out of the open end of a tube. Early projectiles were stone of metal objects that could fit down the barrel of the firearm. By 1550 lead and lead alloys were the preferred projectiles. When manufacturing practices improved, firearms and lead bullets became more uniform in size and were produced in distinct calibers, which gave us the diameter of the bullet. Typical bullets today are made from a lead of lead alloy containing antimony. Bullets created in today's world have a jacket typically made from copper or gilding metal, which is an alloy of copper and zinc. Some bullets have and require lubricant which include Carnauba wax which is made from Carnauba palm. Other lubricants include oils, and molybdenum disulfide (moly). (Bullet History).

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