The History of Gun Manufacturing

The History of Gun Manufacturing
Gun History

Monday, May 6, 2013

Muzzleloading History

Muzzleloading has been around for ages. In the early 1800's even into today there has been a obsession in muzzleloading. They were used in the civil war, and many other wars to come. They were built for reliability,  you can bang them around everywhere and they will still fire no matter what. They can not shoot very far, but they can do a lot of damage upon impact hitting a target. They were made to do much needed damage against enemies, and animals as well. They were used to bring down enemies in the Civil war and many other wars, but are also used to hunt and kill food. Over the years from the early 1800's to present day they are still being modernized. They have gone form ball and patch muzzleloader, to primer muzzleloader. There are many things that have changed but some of the most noticeable is the style and the way in which the gun fires. In the old style muzzleloader you shove powder, patch and ball down the barrel, and put a cap on the nipple which is located by the breach, and this is how they operated. In modern day muzzleloaders, you put a powder caplet and a sabot bullet down the barrel open toward the receiver to insert a shotgun primer, and this is how the modern day muzzleloaders operate. (Muzzleloading history)

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