The History of Gun Manufacturing

The History of Gun Manufacturing
Gun History

Friday, May 3, 2013

Muzzleloader Information

In 1718,James Puckle demonstrated his new invention the "Puckle Gun". Puckle wanted to create a new breed of Muzzleloader. Puckle did this be creating the flint lock. The flint lock uses sparks once the trigger is pulled to ignite the powder making the firearm go off. muzzleloaders were created back in the 1300's. They were one of the first firearms created once the Chinese created gun powder in 1232. This was an evolutionary event for everyone because there was now a way that people could acquire food without using much effort. They still had to load the muzzleloader which took quite a bit of time. Eventually throughout the ages they figured out quicker ways of loading. In today's day and age they use powder pellets which come in different grain weights, which make things easier. Instead of measuring out the powder then pouring it into the muzzle, making sure that all of it went into the barrel, now all you do is put the pellet into the muzzle, push the pellet to the bottom.(Muzzleloader info).

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